Not all raster can be re-projected to another projection, at least some tools don’t allow us to.

For example, the AMSR-E/Aqua L3 Global Snow Water Equivalent EASE-Grids cannot be directly re-projected to UTM-6N within ENVI 5.1. Please refer this website for projection information.

Figure 1

Fortunately, ArcMap can do a better job in this scenario. You can use the project tool just like any other operations.

Figure 2

In order to re-project lot of data using ArcObject, I have updated a ArcTool, which is basically a batch mode data operation toolkit. For this task, the screenshot is as follow:

Figure 3

Below is the result:

Figure 4

Beneath the hook is the GP tool, some sample scripts are as follow: ///================================================ public static object ProjectRaster(string sFileIn, string sFileOut, string sNewProject, double dCellSize) { ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessor.Geoprocessor gp = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessor.Geoprocessor(); ///======================================== ///disable the pyramid ///======================================== gp.ResetEnvironments();
gp.SetEnvironmentValue(“Pyramid”, “NONE”);
gp.OverwriteOutput = true; ///================================= ProjectRaster pProjectRaster = new ProjectRaster(sFileIn, sFileOut, sNewProject); pProjectRaster.cell_size = dCellSize; ///pProjectRaster.resampling_type = “BILINEAR”; pProjectRaster.resampling_type = “NEAREST”; return gp.Execute(pProjectRaster, null); } ///=================================================

Remember that sometimes the environment setting can be messy, so you can always setup them explicitly following (even though the ESRI document itself is a mess):

One may ask, why would you re-project such a raster to the other projection which is not supported in ENVI? There are other methods, maybe better ones to achieve this task. And this is just a demonstration of how to make use of the GP tool in ArcObject when ENVI/IDL fails.