Debug Python Without Debugger
During my work which attempts to add a new compset to the E3SM model, I got an error from the
script. However, the error does not provide much useful information as: -
Rename an E3SM case
Renaming an E3SM case is desired when you want to retain the name for a rerun.
Python module in VS code issue
One of the issues I recently had is the import module error when testing the swaty python package.
Install GDAL in Gitpod
Gitpod provides an easy way to test and share the whole Python package.
VS code on cluster issue
VS code extension sometimes crashes on HPC during remote development.
Numpy mask for 3D array
How to use np.where and mask on a 3D array? If I use normal operation, I received an error like this:
Battle 33: Fortran index with MPI
Recently I made some changes to H2SC model I developed. After the modification, the model crashed after some time step.
Battle 32: VS code keyboard shortcut in VNC
Somehow in the VNC environment, the “u” becomes unknown when I was trying to set up the shortcut.
Battle 31: A flexible model configuration system
CIME is a rather flexible case management system. When we design a system configuration subsystem, we want it to be flexible so we can set up a system without providing all the information. To do so, the case system should use a default configuration if possible.
Battle 30: Naming system
A typicl ELM history file variable has the following structure:
Battle 29: Github issue
This post is trying to resolve some common issues in my Github usage:
Battle 28: redesign the plot libary
I have developed a Python library for various projects. This library has many different features including the plotting functions. But I am not satisfied with the current strategy/structure of some components. For example, I somehow wrote a list of functions for a similar purpose. Now it is time to re-organize some functions.
Battle 27: Rename Excel sheet name
Here is what I got from an Excel sheet name, there are some unexpected special characteristics. So I designed a simple method to resolve them.
Battle 26: Pandas Date
The pandas date function seems to be very complex! For example:
Battle 25: VTK visualization
n my recent posts, I discussed how to generate 3D plots using MayaVi and PyVista, both of them works but not as great as I expected. MayaVi has issue with rendering using OpenCL PyVista does not expose enough APIs to control the plot So these are great tools to start with, but later on I decided to switch back to raw VTK. I used another package called PyeVTK (https://github.com/paulo-herrera/PyEVTK), it basically help you to export data into the VTK format.
Battle 24: Finding the perfect camera postion
The question is how we can find a perfect camera position when plotting a 3D VTK object.
Battle 23: VS Code for HPC cluster
VVS Code has become my go-to code editor since its release. Here I want to share some tips how I used it for HPC development.
Battle 22: scatter plot with kde using matplotlib
How to produce a scatter alike plot using Matplotlib without using SNS or other packages?
Battle 21: Using NetCDF C++ API on cluster
I have extended the capability of HexWatershed, which allows it to read MPAS mesh grid.
Battle 20: QGIS failed to define spatial reference
I need to convert a raster file to global scale. Earlier I manually resmapled it using Python SciPy, but the result is not very nice. Later on, I used the GDAL Python API, the results is great. However, when I tried to compared the two rasters, QGIS failed to define the projection.
Battle 19: Depression filling on a sphere
Question 1: How to break a land into several parts? Answer: The original solution does not restrict to single watershed: iWatershed = iWatershed + 1;
Battle 18: IDL draw shapefile for HexWatershed results
The HexWatershed model assumes that the spatial references of the DEM and Hexagon grid are the same. In reality, there are often not.
Battle 17: IDL cgmap_grid cannot produce label
There is a limit the increment of this function that it may take a long time to generate the label.
Battle 16: IDL tiff issue
EENVI function does not produce the GeoTiff by default. We need another function to convert it to GeoTiff. For example:
Battle 15: IDL batch extraction
I was using my own library to extract geotiff with shapefile, then the program stops after day 9.
Battle 14: IDL cgplots over cgimage
How can I draw a circle on top of a cgimage in IDL? This question is similar to this question:
Battle 13: MPI auto resubmit
- Prepare a simple checkpoint file;
- Finish the main program, which only accept one parameter as input;
- In the main program, check the range from checkpoint;
- Finish the run_task function, which runs elemental task;
- Prepare the entrance job script;
- Submit the job.
Battle 12: MPI QA
I don’t alway have to deal with MPI myself, but I recently used it for several projects. I have several questions to share:
Mpi4py on cluster
One of my Python scripts is taking too long to run, which exceeds the short queue. I decided to use MPI, and mpi4py seems to be a good choice. But there are many issue when I first used it.
Battle 10: USGS Python tool
Lots of USGS data are distributed using web service. Earlier I have introduced how to download MODIS data in batch mode using wget. Recently I need to download USGS data in batch mode, so I collected some information I found online. In case someone might find it helpful.
Battle 9: x2go VNC connection issue
VNC is very convenient for many reasons. Somehow my x2go failed to work after recent playing around.
Battle 8: Create a customized axis
https://jakevdp.github.io/PythonDataScienceHandbook/04.08-multiple-subplots.html https://matplotlib.org/3.1.0/tutorials/toolkits/axes_grid.html
Battle 7: create a perfect Y axis
The question is: how to create a “perfect” Y axis for a time series plot.
Battle 6: define a DOI for each model simulation
Simulation management can be tough if you run hundreds of simulation. The question is: how should we keep track of simulations within code?
Battle 5: VS Code Python failed with OpenBLAS blas_thread_init: RLIMIT_NPROC
When I was trying to debug a Python script on cluster, I received the following error: “OpenBLAS blas_thread_init: RLIMIT_NPROC”
Battle 4: setting the right size for map plot
How to control the size of text so they look pleasantly for readers?
Battle 3: IDL cgmap grid frame
IDL is so far my go-to programming language in terms of map visualization.
Battle 2: Python submit SLURM job
Programmers are supposed to be lazy, like Emacs user wants to do everything within Emacs because it can be an operating system.
Battle 1: MODFLOW-NWT output LMT
While I was trying to run the MT3D, I received an error: Error Reading Flow-Transport Link File Possibly Caused by:
- Incompatible Styles of Unformatted Files Used by MODFLOW and MT3D-USGS, ensure usage of FREE in MT3D-USGS name file matches LMT;
- Unformatted Flow-Transport Link File Saved by Version 1 of LinkMT3D Package Which Is No Longer Supported by MT3D-USGS.