Battle 21: Using NetCDF C++ API on cluster
I have extended the capability of HexWatershed, which allows it to read MPAS mesh grid.
Some background information for the above statement. HexWatershed is a C++ program I developed to delineate watershed using a hexagonal mesh grid. Details of the program are introduced in this paper: Watershed delineation on a hexagonal mesh grid (
MPAS mesh is an unstructured mesh used for ocean and atmosphere modeling (
In order to support this new mesh, I have added the NetCDF I/O into the system. However, the NetCDF API for C++ is not widely used by the research community. For example, most Earth System Models (ESMs) use the Fortran 90 instead of C++.
A few hydrology programs (i.e., DHSVM) using the NetCDF C API which is less OOP oriented.
So I have to setup the NetCDF C++ API on the cluster. First I requested the C++ API, however, there are significant changes between the legacy API and the NetCDF4 API:
After that, we are able to use namespace and other new features in C++11. In order to link the library, we need both the C and C++ libraries in the CMakeLists file: set(NetCDF_LIBRARY_C “/share/apps/netcdf/4.6.3/gcc/8.1.0/lib/”)
set(NetCDF_LIBRARY “/share/apps/netcdf/4.6.3/gcc/8.1.0/lib/”)
Besides, I used the VTK FindNetCDF to setup NetCDF:
The program compiled and linked.