2022-07-28 Our study using results from HexWatershed to investigate the river-ocean interactions was published in HESS: Investigating coastal backwater effects and flooding in the coastal zone using a global river transport model on an unstructured mesh.
2022-07-01 Our study using a surrogate-assisted Bayesian framework for ELM model calibration was published in GMD: Using a surrogate-assisted Bayesian framework to calibrate the runoff-generation scheme in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) v1.
2022-03-04 A core component of HexWatershed 3.0, was released as a standalone Python package: PyFlowline.
2022-02-20 PyEarth is released: pyearth 0.1.20
2022-01-04 Our study “Advances in hexagon mesh based flow direction modeling” was published in AWR HexWatershed 2.0.